Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My New Stuff

My new mischief - getting into the tv stand. Daddy tried to baby proof it but I figured it out. So, mommy tried to block it with the toy box, but that just made it easier for me to find trouble. Now mommy says that daddy has a new project - building a new tv stand!
My new super toy! Daddy got this from the family that he is working for. Their kids are too big for it - but for me, it is just right!
I am so happy with my new slide - I knew right away what to do...
And the second time around I wasted no time going superman-style!
This is the Mariners hat that my neighbor gave me last year, and now it fits! I actually like to wear it cuz I like to play the hat game with daddy and they can play it back!
Whew...all this stuff has got me sleepy...

Friday, March 7, 2008

So, we haven't taken many pics lately...

Here is a picture of me sacked out on GG's chair!
Who eats outside in the winter?
I can sleep anywhere...