Friday, June 29, 2007

Trip to Spokane - Part 1

Last weekend we went to Spokane to visit family & friends, but we don't actually have many pictures to prove it. So, here are just a few pics from our trip, until Christine sends us some that she took...
Aunt Mandy gave Dane his first whole pieces of green beans to go with his favorite - chicken!
He played on the floor with his he is gazing at Livi
He spent lots of time nakey (just a diaper that is) since it was so warm
Here are some pics of his room at home...he seems to love it. Every time we go in his room he makes a point to check out his birdies that are hanging from the ceiling. Grandma & Grandpa got them in Mexico on their cruise, and he loves them!
Reading with daddy in his chair

Friday, June 8, 2007

On the Move

Here is the skinny on the boy:

I can sit up unassisted, and I like it alot!

I have been doing the "Army Crawl" all week, and sometimes the inchworm with a lazy leg...

Do I have something on my face?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Catch up...

So, I started this last week, but soon was distracted by actually getting the pictures off the camera (This is just the first in a line of excuses). I really will try to do this once a week, I promise!

Here are a few recent pics of our Turkey:

The greener the food, the more likely it is to show up on his bib, and everywhere else. I wont give up trying!