Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Belated Birthday!

Like my hat? Here is Mommy & Daddy hookin me up with my very own giant turkey cupcake...
Giving it a little taste test...
Yeah, I guess this is pretty good...
Mom - stop taking it away!!!
I think I'm crashing already...

False alarm!
So, I had a pretty good time, but the highlight was definitely the turkey...mmm... Thank you for the gifts everyone! And thanks to Uncle Mike for giving us the pictures!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

The highlight of my 2nd Thanksgiving (in less than a year) was definitely my first family trip to the playground! But man was it cold, and bright! Grandpa let me wear his sunglasses.
Grandpa also helped me with my first ride down the slide...and I loved it!
Uncle Mike pushed us really high on the swing, while Aunti Kim went down the slide!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy Pumpkin

I sure am excited about going trick-or-treatin'!
Yes, mom made me wear tights - they made the outfit!
Here I am having fun with my cousin Riley. I like him so much that he bit my forehead and I didn't even care! Mom - stop using the flash, um-kay?
Here I am taking a snooze with Grandpa, he sure is cuddly!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Updated Pics

I dont like people having to ask too many times, so here is a couple of updated pictures to tide you over... This was this morning - it was too early for a flash! But it sure is funny!
Dad got a nice big pumpkin for me!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Another Trip to Spokane

I borrowed my cousin Greyson's tux for Aunti Kelly's wedding...I look smashing! and daddy's not so bad either...
Congrats to Aunti Kelly and my new Uncle Mike!
I kinda tried to play with cousin Paige, but the Kleenex packet kept distracting me!
I really liked my cousin Ellie!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trouble Maker

Caught red-handed! I can't be trusted near plants!
I'm not getting in trouble, I'm trying to help...honest!
Thanks to my rough older girlfriends, I beat up on babies that are younger than me...sorry cousin Riley!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fun Summer

I know that it has been way too much has happened!

I fell asleep in my food for the first time...
I went to the beach for the first time...(check out my old man pants!)
I played on daddy's favorite toy...
I saw my Nana for the first time since Christmas when she came to visit...
I went for a visit to GG's house for the first time since Christmas...

There's more to come, cuz summer isn't over yet!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sleepy Time

So, I was just whining about my baby growing up and some of the delightful things that come with it (okay, not delightful - I was talking about the developing attitude and at least thinking about the hour that I was up with him last night between 1:30 & 2:30 am...)
As he was falling asleep in my lap earlier, I remembered the pics taken of this very thing not long ago. He does still cuddle with Mama, sometimes!
Unfortunately for me, many naps are taken in the car - unfortunate because they are not long enough for me, but just long enough for him to not keep sleeping when we get home... Notice the iron grip on the sippy cup despite being totally passed out!
I love you baby-cakes!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

4th of July, etc

Its all smiles on the 4th of July! (He is of course laughing at one of his girlfriends, see next pic)

We met up with some friends in Carnation to watch the 4th of July parade...the Turkey and his BFF Emma got a great view from the daddies' shoulders!

A couple of his 'older' girlfriends Emma & Livi had fun together...
Scary! The Turkey can pull himself up on the train table!!! What's next?
Such a boy...already making faces for the camera...just like his Uncle Mike...
Off-roading...he appreciates a good obstacle; actually he seems to prefer it.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Trip to Spokane - Part 2

Being silly with dad in Wallace

Chillin' with his Aunti Sarah "I got your nose!"
Whose toes are those? He is always movin those feet!
4 Generations of boys...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Trip to Spokane - Part 1

Last weekend we went to Spokane to visit family & friends, but we don't actually have many pictures to prove it. So, here are just a few pics from our trip, until Christine sends us some that she took...
Aunt Mandy gave Dane his first whole pieces of green beans to go with his favorite - chicken!
He played on the floor with his he is gazing at Livi
He spent lots of time nakey (just a diaper that is) since it was so warm
Here are some pics of his room at home...he seems to love it. Every time we go in his room he makes a point to check out his birdies that are hanging from the ceiling. Grandma & Grandpa got them in Mexico on their cruise, and he loves them!
Reading with daddy in his chair

Friday, June 8, 2007

On the Move

Here is the skinny on the boy:

I can sit up unassisted, and I like it alot!

I have been doing the "Army Crawl" all week, and sometimes the inchworm with a lazy leg...

Do I have something on my face?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Catch up...

So, I started this last week, but soon was distracted by actually getting the pictures off the camera (This is just the first in a line of excuses). I really will try to do this once a week, I promise!

Here are a few recent pics of our Turkey:

The greener the food, the more likely it is to show up on his bib, and everywhere else. I wont give up trying!